Romana Skotzen


So we are just about to end week 3 of prep. Bi – weekly check in started this week. No change to the scale weight this Wednesday mostly likely due to being a nutter and training legs Sunday, followed by legs Tuesday. All the inflammation. Wednesday was a rest day and I felt really “Preppy” – every meal it just feel like the food was GONE. This isn’t a hunger feeling or a mindset, the only way I can describe it is my body is screaming for more.

Something I am struggling with this prep is the “preppy” feelings so early on. Thinking to myself, I am too early in this process to be feeling this, why isn’t my brain stronger. But. I have to remember…. in the grand scheme of things, I am only 6lbs above my post carb up stage weight. Although it has only been 3 weeks of prep, my body fat is at a lower point than any other time I have prepped before. This is the reason my body is screaming for food so early on.

We all know being in prep makes rationalising more difficult so it’s just a case of trying to keep in mind the starting position.

Dan programmed me a high day yesterday before my leg day today. Aim is to keep me full and prevent too much of a drop. Plan is to get bloodwork done tomorrow with the view of implementing PED’s as of next week. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I know they are required for the level I am competing but equally, the long term effects are something I always have at the back of my mind. This is why bloodwork is so important, to ensure I am at a healthy starting point.

This prep will have a lot of obstacles, starting a new job (including a 6 week Mon – Fri, 8.30-5.30 training course. Something I am not used to), We are planning a move to Suffolk, lots of travel to shows plus a guest pose at Fit X Gateshead for my sponsor E-Val. Lots of logistics to take into consideration. Once the move is complete. Life should get easier. Better location for shows. I deal training environment (Dans private gym) and a much more simplistic way of life – which my mind is grateful for.

The reason for the move – Ultimately, Dan and I don’t want to spend our lives talking about owing our own property, we want to make it happen. Continuing to live on the rental market won’t see us in a position to progress towards this goal. Plus the advantage of a gym to ourselves will also pay dividends to our progression within bodybuilding.

Romana Skotzen

First week of Prep… Done…. 12 to go! I mean I say first week but due to travel my check ins have been 5 days apart but 3lbs down.

Currently cardio is at 15 mins on the crosstrainer, this is my go to cardio machine as its low impact, gets my heart rate up nicely without eating away at my legs.

Steps are at 8k. Calories wise… TD 3032. NTD 2692.

Posing is back in as close to daily as I can. Had the pleasure of being asked to Guest Pose for the Eval sponsored FitX show in September so this will be a mini check point and a chance to do my routine to a home crowd which I am psyched about.

Anxiety has been a dickhead this week which is nice. Always has the ability to tank my appetite but I do what I can. Luckily Dan is crazy supportive with it, no pressure from him which really helps. We are really starting to get into the groove with working together for bodybuilding purposes. I trust and respect his experience, knowledge and application 100%. To get to The O together will be such an achievement.

Bring on the next 12 weeks……..

Romana Skotzen

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