Sean Barber

Sean Barber - Full Boar Sports


VLOG 7**

Its been a while, but still being extra productive, the season has kicked off, and a recent trip to Thailand to watch client rio take the overall sword at PCA Bangkok, that accompanied with moving house and some tragic personal news led to a challenging hectic month.

everything is now settling, and we are back into the groove, having 3 weeks off training due to the above will leave us in good stead for the remainder of the season, the goal hasn’t changed and were still aiming for the pca worlds and first pro show, then we will move to Phuket Thailand for pro show number 2 a few weeks later.

training resumed this week, and the unveiling of a new coach to come in a few weeks time…….. watch this space

sean blackford

VLOG 6**

So we are mid point of week 8 of the “comeback” season, weighed in this morning @108.1kg, that is officially 3.1kg above any previous offseason peak weight, and compositon and condition still improving, which is enabling us to push on even harder without having to regress/recomp.

with prep not commencing until mid June, we still have another 10 weeks or so improve and bring up the weaker areas further.

slight change to PEDS, with the introduction of EQ, replacing NPP. boldenone I always feel is a great compound to cement off an off-season, and with its slightly different properties well see different results to the physique.

weve just come off he back of a deload, so back to full training capacity this week, the body is feeling fresh and ready to roll into these final 10 weeks or so before prep.

as ive mentioned this is my final year, and one the governing reasons is age, and the time I’ve already spent within the sport, this year I’ve just started to feel as though its becoming more of “a job”, rather than full enjoyment through passion, and that’s a big indicator to me that its time !!!

dont get me wrong, I’m still giving it 100%, I always will, its in my nature to do so, but come November it’ll be time to hang up the trunks.

sean barber

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